Deputy Mark Gutel
CASE#: 23ADC002712
RANK/DEPUTY FULL NAME: Deputy Mark Gutel                       Â
TOWN:Â Orwell
INCIDENT LOCATION: Route 22a               Â
DATE/TIME: November 05, 2023 / 4:27 PM
VIOLATION: Attempting to Elude and False Information to Police / Attempting to Elude
ACCUSED: Christian Leggett / Robert Hornbeck Â
AGE: 23 / 23
CITY, STATE OF RESIDENCE: Bridport, VT / Shoreham, VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On 11/5/2023, Deputy Gutel was conducting traffic enforcement on Route 22a in the town of Orwell. He observed an ATV and a dirtbike traveling at a high rate of speed on the public highway. When Deputy Gutel attempted to make a traffic stop on these vehicles, they fled into a field adjacent to the road. Deputy Gutel remained in the area and eventually found the vehicles, again operating on a public highway. Both operators continued to flee from Deputy Gutel and entered another field in an attempt to get away. Deputy Gutel used his PA system to order the operators back out of the field and they eventually complied. They were identified as Christian Leggett (23) of Bridport and Robert Hornbeck (23) of Shoreham. During the course of the investigation, it was discovered that Leggett lied to Deputy Gutel. 7 Vermont Civil Violation Complaints were issued to each operator, totaling over $1,400. Both operators were charged with Attempting to Elude and Leggett was also charged with False Information to a Police Officer and given a citation to appear in court on December 18, 2023 at 12:30 PM.
COURT DATE/TIME*:Â 12/18/2023 / 12:30 PM
COURT: Addison
*Please note: Court date and time are subject to change at the discretion of the court. Please call the criminal court clerk to confirm arraignment time. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.