Drug Take Back
Do you have prescription drugs that you no longer need? Instead of letting them clutter your cabinet, come dispose of them at our office.
Open Monday - Friday from 8AM- 4PM with no questions asked.
The drop box is located in our front lobby and is emptied daily.

Why does it matter?
One important reason to be careful about how you store and dispose of prescriptions is that a common source for the misuse of pain medications is a relative or a friend. In fact, nearly half of the people who misused pain prescriptions obtained them from a relative or friend.
But, there are other reasons as well.
Medications that are not properly stored in your home can be a risk to kids and pets who might accidentally ingest them. And, flushing medications or tossing them in the trash is a danger to our waterways and wildlife.
- Credit to VT Department of Health
For more information, please visit: https://www.healthvermont.gov/alcohol-drugs/services/prescription-drug-disposal

National Take Back Day
On Saturday, October 29, 2024 from 10AM - 2 PM
A Deputy will be at our office to collect your unwanted prescription drugs